Listen to a (supposed) snippet from Madonna forthcoming album

Listen to a (supposed) snippet from Madonna forthcoming album

Madonna Album 2014 Snippet

Un extrait possible d'un des titres du prochain album de Madonna aurait-il leaké ?

This sounds possible, since Billboard's website have officially published an untitled and mystery song from a secret artist. Here is the full article published at :

Due in no small part to the success of a couple of Parisian robots,  disco is fully back in vogue these days. With its buoyant analog chords, filtered funk synths, and vocoded hook, this blistering tune by a shape-shifting dance legend takes a few cues from the Daft Punk playlist and is a flawless fit for the times.

Billboard was given an exlcusive listen to this forthcoming track, but we've been sworn to secrecy on the exact artist’s identity. But, after a fair amount of begging, we were given exclusive permission to leak this 50-second snippet to the world. For now, the music will have to speak for itself.

Check out the tease above, and stay tuned for the big reveal coming soon. (And feel free to hit @billboard on twitter with any guesses about who the secret star might be.)

This funky disco sound could be one of the very first tracks from Madonna's upcoming album, since she decided to work with electronic music professionnal such as Avicii, Diplo or Natalia Kills !

In addition, more and more sources say that the lead single from this album could be released before all we can expect ; more optimistic and crazy ones talk about May, the most part dealing with the very first days of the summer (end of June).

To note that according to May-June issue of Uomo Vogue Magazine including an interview of Madonna, the next album will be connected to Art For Freedom ! Just to say....


Il semblerait que le nouveau Madonna pointe déjà le bout de son nez ! Une piste instrumentale de 50 secondes met le feu sur le web, puisqu'il pourrait s'agir d'un extrait du prochain album de la Queen Of Pop. C'est en effet ce que laisse imaginer, en postant cet extrait d'un(e) artiste mystérieuse !

De plus, de plus en plus de rumeurs annoncent la sortie imminente du premier single extrait du nouvel album ! Les plus optimistes (voire folles) annoncent une sortie avant fin Mai, la grande majorité parlant plutôt de la deuxième quinzaine de Juin!

Quoi qu'il en soit, dans le nouveau numéro du magazine Uomo Vogue incluant une interview de Madonna, le futur album sera en lien avec Art For Freedom!7