Record battu : Living For Love est le 44e titre classé n°1 au Dance Club Songs Chart

Record battu : Living For Love est le 44e titre classé n°1 au Dance Club Songs Chart

Madonna Living For Love


Madonna vient tout juste de battre un nouveau record : Living For Love, son nouveau tube, vient de se classer n°1 au Billboard  Dance Club Songs Chart US. Il s'agit ni plus ni moins que le 44e titre que Madonna classe au sommet de ce classement.


Voici les 44 tubes que Madonna a classé, au cours de sa carrière, n°1 du Dance Club Chart :

1983, "Holiday"/"Lucky Star" (5 semaines)
1984, "Like a Virgin" (3x)
1985, "Material Girl"
1985, "Angel"/"Into the Groove"
1987, "Open Your Heart"
1987, "Causing a Commotion (Remix)"
1988, You Can Dance (LP Cuts)
1989, "Like a Prayer" (2x)
1989, "Express Yourself" (3x)
1990, "Keep It Together"
1990, "Vogue" (2x)
1991, "Justify My Love" (2x)
1992, "Erotica"
1993, "Deeper and Deeper"
1993, "Fever"
1994, "Secret" (two)
1995, "Bedtime Story"
1997, "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"
1998, "Frozen" (2x)
1998, "Ray of Light" (4x)
1999, "Nothing Really Matters" (2x)
1999, "Beautiful Stranger" (2x)
2000, "American Pie"
2000, "Music" (5x)
2001, "Don't Tell Me"
2001, "What It Feels Like for a Girl"
2001, "Impressive Instant" (2x)
2002, "Die Another Day" (2x)
2003, "American Life"
2003, "Hollywood"
2003, "Me Against the Music" (2x)
2004, "Nothing Fails"
2004, "Love Profusion"
2005, "Hung Up" (4x)
2006, "Sorry" (2x)
2006, "Get Together"
2006, "Jump" (2x)
2008, "4 Minutes" (2x)
2008, "Give It 2 Me"
2009, "Celebration"
2012, "Give Me All Your Luvin'"
2012, "Girl Gone Wild"
2012, "Turn Up the Radio"
2015, "Living for Love"