Ce mercredi était révélée en grandes pompes la vidéo pour le lead single Medellin, premier extrait du nouvel opus de Madonna : MADAME X.
Il n'a fallu que quelques minutes ou heures pour exciter la toile et les médias. Revue de presse :

"The Queen of Pop’s new song is an ode to both her past and future"
"Why Madonna’s 'Medellin' is a ray of light in a time of darkness" (The National, Emirats Arabes Unis, 28/04/2019)
"Madonna Just Dropped A Wild, Carnivalesque Video Full Of Throwbacks For Medellín" (Vogue, UK, 25/04/2019)
"The chanteuse has cherry-picked cutting-edge talent across four decades to create gorgeous songs. Medellin is no different."
"A detailed musical analysis of the new Madonna single Medellin" (Classic FM, UK, 25/04/2019)
"A remarkably subtle and simple pop song, a neat method for Madonna to introduce us to the next phase of her chameleonic career."
"Maluma Reveals What It Felt Like Meeting Madonna" (Billboard, USA, 25/04/2019)
"Madonna sexier than ever as she romps with rapper in raunchy video" (Mirror, UK, 25/04/2019)
"If Madonna’s latest reinvention of herself continues to display this much sensitivity, it could be one of her most interesting incarnations yet."
"Still like a virgin: Madonna rocks another wedding gown in sexy new ‘Medellín’ video" (Yahoo Music, USA, 24/04/2019)
"Start preparing yourself for the Madonna renaissance"